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unit 7 will people have robots section B1课件ppt

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(东区) 秀A:What will you be in 10 years? B:I will be a ….I’ll be a computer programmer.I’ll be an astronaut.A:Where will you work? B:I will work in ….space station Place to live inhouse apartmentA:How will you go to work? B:I will go to work by bus. B:I will take the bus.Transportationrockettrain1a Write each word in the correct column below.astronaut    house         apartment   train    rocket        space station    computer programmerastronaut computer programmertrain  rockethouseapartment space stationspace  n. 太空、空间 People have traveled through space to the moon.                   人们已经经由太空到了月球。空地、空处                 There is no space for another chair in this room.                   这房间没有再放一把椅子的空地了。1b Think of other words and write them in the     chart in 1a.astronaut computer programmertrain  rockethouseapartment space stationrobot cleanersuper policemanspace shiphelicopter(直升机)flat(公寓) shelter(避难所)1c Listen to Alexis and Joe. Number the     pictures s with the     correct verbs in the box. I live in


unit 7 will people have robots section B1课件ppt
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