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新目标八上Unit 7 Will peopele have robots Section A(2d Grammar focus)语法课课件

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Predict: City Life in 100 YearsUnit 7 Period Two (2d & Grammar focus)How will the world be different in the future,100 years from now?People will          in their homes.have robotsRobots will __________ .There            one country.There are many countries.will only bepaperBooks will _________ computers, not on paper.only be onThe kids          to school.They             at home on computers.won’t gowill studybecause$ 0$ 0Everything will         . People              money.Use moneyfreebe freewon’t usebecauseWill there be fewer trees?Will there be more pollution?Will there be less free time? leisure timeWill there be less water ?fewer  less  morefewer 更少的, 修饰可数名词less  更少的, 修饰不可数名词more 更多的, 可以修饰可数和不可数名词Remember:      many—more—most    much—more—most    few—fewer—fewest     little—less—least    修饰可数名词               修饰不可数名词3a Fill in the blanks with more, less or fewer.In the future, there will be _______fresh  water because there will be_______    pollution in the sea.2. In 100 years, there will be_______ cars because there will be ________ people in the cities.morelessmoremore3. The


新目标八上Unit 7 Will peopele have robots Section A(2d  Grammar focus)语法课课件
上一篇:新目标2013秋版Unit 7 Will people have robots?Section B 2a-2e 讲课赛课件    下一篇: 新目标八上Unit 7 Will people have robots Section B 1a-1e课件