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Unit7 Will people have robotsSection A (1a—2d) 教案

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Unit7 Will people have robots?Section A (1a—2d)学习目标: 1.掌握本课的重要词汇短语及句子:将、会 ——    机器人——     树木——      纸——每件事物——       较少的——      污染——活到——     免费——      一百年后—— 更少的人——         空闲时间——       更少污染—2.掌握以下重要句型1.People will have robots in their homes.2. People won’t use money, everything will be free.3. Books will only on computers not on paper.4. Kids won’t go to school.They’ll study at home on computers.5. There will only one country.6. People wil l liv e to be 200 years old.3. 初步认识will表示一般将来时的用法和there be 句型表示一般将来时的用法。可数名词和不可数名词并能正确使用more, fewer和 less。学习重难点:本课出现的生词及短语:2)  能正确运用“Will +动词原形”和The re will be +名词表示将来。教学过程 :Step1 RevisionRevise the contents learnt last period and have a dictation.Step2 展示交流教师在黑板上画一个时间轴,标记出three years ago、now、in 100 years,让学生先看前两个时间点,描述出自己的情况。讨论:预言一百年后的世界将是什么样子??然后听录音,选出你所听到的单词,并把下面的句子读熟。1.People will have robots in their homes.2. People won’t use money, everything will be free.3. Books will only on c omputers not on paper.4. Kids won’t go to school.They’ll study at home on computers.5. There will only one country.6.  People will live to be 200 yea rs old. Step3


Unit7 Will people have robotsSection A (1a—2d) 教案
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