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八上Unit 7 Section B 2a- 2e Section B period 2教案

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Unit 7 Will people have robots?  The Fourth Period Section B ( 2 a–2e)Teaching aims(教学目标)1.让学生熟悉未来机器人的话题并以此展开阅读活动。2. 培养学生通过略读判断落大意以获得对文章的整体理解的。3.通过文章阅读scanning/skimming阅读策略。要求掌握以下词汇: 1) 名词n. huma n, servant, factory, shape, side 2) 形容词adj. dangerous, possible3) 副词adv. even, insideTeaching steps(教学步骤)1. Predicting – work on 2a.Show Ss the pictures of s ome robots and what they can do on the screen. Have Ss get into pairs and tell their partner what they know about robots now. Wha t do they look like and what can they do?Then ask each pair to draw a picture about how they think robots will look like in the future.(设计意图:通过预测,培养学生的预测,同时也让学生对机器人的形状和作用有一 个比较直观的初步了解,调动学生对阅读材料的期待感。)2. Work on 2b. SkimmingHave Ss look at the article on page 53 and read it. Then, ask them to match each paragraph with the question it discusses.(设计意图:通过快速阅读寻找文章的落大意。)3. Work on 2c.  Scann ingHave Ss read the article again quickly. Then have them work in pairs on 2c and c omplete the sentences about what robots can do now.(以两人一组为单位询问组内成员的情况。此环节不仅可以增进同学间对计划内容的了解,也有助对计划实情况的了解。) 4.


八上Unit 7 Section B 2a- 2e Section B period 2教案
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