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八年级上英语学案7-2  班级   姓名    学号   使用时间      【课前练】1.I think every home will have robots in the      (将来).2.People began to use        (纸) from Han Dynasty.3.There will be less air         (污染) in the future.(  )4.She will be a teacher   two years. A. on B.after  C.in  D.at(  )5.We hope we will have   free time . A. many B.more C.few D.fewer6.There are some trees near the river.(用next year改写句子) There      some trees near the river next year.学 习 目 标:1.记住并会运用P50,51单词及短语  2.会熟练运用will+动词原形“表示将要做”。3.记住并会运用more ,fewer, less.【1】1.环境n        2.行星n      3.地球;世界n      4.种植v;植物n     5.参加;部分n     6.和平n      7.海洋n       8.天空n     9.参与(某事)            10.一本关将来的书               11.处极大的危险之中             12.搬到其它的星球            13.住在地球上              14.参与拯救地球                    15.建筑更多的楼房             16.在海里                    【学以致用】1.Do you know why I love the      (大海)?(  )2.-How do you come here? -By    .  A.a sea B.seas C.sea  D.the sea.3.We all love world      (和平).    4.Look at the blue      (天空).5.We should protect(保护) the         (环境). 6.There are many       (行星).7.My father       (种植) many kinds of  


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