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人教版八年级英语上册教案 Unit10

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集 体 备 课 资 料年级:  八年级   :  英语  课题:Unit10 If you go to the party. You will have a good time.第 1   人: 当儿 【课题】Unit10 If you go to the party. You will have a good time.教师复备栏【学习目标】Key words and phrases: go to the party,have a good time, organiey sentences: If you go to the party, you will have a good time       If you do, 【学习难点】Ss master key words and sentences, then use them correctly.Ss learn to talk about consequencesSs improve their listening and speaking skills.【学法指导】Speaking and listening【教学过程】Ⅰ. Lead-in Ask some questions. T: If you are happy, what will you do? S: If I am happy, I will smile. T: If you become sad, what will you do? S: If I become sad, I will cry. T: What will happen if you are going to do too much work? S: If I am going to do too much work, I will get tired. Ⅱ. Presentation1.Show some pictures to present new structure:If it is sunny this Sunday, I’ll go fishing.Ask several students:What will you do if it is sunny this Sunday?If I have much money, I will buy a big house.What will you do if you have much money?Practice w


人教版八年级英语上册教案 Unit10
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