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八上Unit 10 Section B Period1 SectionB 1a-1d教案

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Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!       The Third Period  Section B (1a–1d)Teaching aims(教学目标)1. 能熟练运用条件状语从句。2. 能谈论因果关系。3. 能做出决定是否改做某事。4. 能学会与他人一起分担自己的问题并争取表达自己的观点。Language points(语言点)1.要求掌握以下词汇:1) 名词 n. agent, teenager,pain, college,education,advice 2) 动词 v. debate   3) 形容词 adj. important 4) 词组 be famous, go to college, travel around the world, make a lot of money, get an education(本节 课的生词较少,但是词组的熟练应用要在学生熟练操练句型中巩固。)2. 要求掌握以下句式: If you join the Lions, you'll become a great soccer player.        What do you think I should do?        Can you give me some advice?        I don't think so.        I can't agree with you.Difficulties(难点):掌握if+will(主将出现)的句式并合 理表达自己的观点。 Teaching steps(教学步骤)Warm-up and revision(热身和)(1) Look and say  T: Is she happy?  S: She looks worr ied!(通过图片,引出关键词,主题明确。)Ask and answerT: Tip 1: If you have problems, you can ask others for help. on


八上Unit 10 Section B Period1 SectionB 1a-1d教案
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