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新目标八年级英语下Unit 10导学案 Unit 10Section A 1a-1c一 课型:Listen and say二 目标:1. Learn the new words and the ph rases         2. Learn to repeat ‘If ----I am going to do ------’三 法:Listen and say 四 教学过程Task 1  Language  practice 1 check : 翻译下列单词和短语(1)跟汤姆和露西一块去聚会 ——————— (8)  be late ------------(2)穿牛仔裤去聚餐  -----------             (9)  study for the test ------(3)乘公共汽车 ----------------              (10) help me to orange it --------------(4) stay at home _--------                (11) too easy ---------------------(5) 让你进来--------------                 (12)  make some -----------------(6 )Play party games ----------             (13) 一半同学 ---------------(7) 玩得很愉快 ----------------- Task 2(1)Work in pairs practice like 1c 参考句型 A I think I will go to see you tomorrow   B  If you do it I will be happy (2) free talk Give the students some tome to have a free talk They can talk with any climates At last the students report their talking Task 3  listening practice 1b 2a and 2b Task 4 目标达成(1)If you go to the party ,you will ______(过得很愉快)(2)  _____ you are going to wear Jeans to the party ,the teachers wil


上一篇:人教案八年级上册unit 10 if you go to the party, you ll have a good time学案(5份)    下一篇: 人教版八年级上册Unit10复习学案