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人教版八年级下册Unit 1单元测试题

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题一、词汇(根据提示完成句子)1. John risked        (climb) tbe highest mountain.2, You needed __________(drink) a lot of water to keep healthy.3. We all know the       (important) of learning English.4. Rose looked at her mother in s____________.5 He had difficulty ______________(write) a letter.6.Last year he went to London first, but he got___________ (lose) in the street soon.7. After three months, they        money. (run out of/run out) Time is________________ . (run out of/ run out)8. South Korea lies ____________(介词) the east of China.  He often ___________(lie), so he doesn't have any friends.  There is a wallet _____________ (lie) on the ground.9. The man was in hospital. He had a serious___________(fill).10.My sister____________ ( 发高烧). She should be taken to the hospital.11.When you are in trouble by yourself, you should shout _______help (介词).12.Lily's mother_____________ (期待) her to be a nurse in the future.13.What are you __________ (think about)__________ (do)?14.When my little brother cooked in the kitchen, he____________ (受伤)himself.15.The liule boy in the fire is_


人教版八年级下册Unit 1单元测试题
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