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人教版英语八下 unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum 同步测试

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 袁利(课前预习类) Word recycling and grammar reviewing(旧词循环和语法)Ⅰ. Write the proper word.( 根据句意及括号内的注释拼写单词。)1. Each of us will have a __________(one’s own) computer in the future.2. I was glad to __________ (to get or to be given sth.)a gift from my grandpa on Children’s Day.3. I was__________ (sleeping) when the UFO landed in front of my house.4. She arrived in London on a cold morning. Three days__________ (at a time in the future),she found a job in a restaurant.5. It’s not only a chance but also a challenge for China to __________ (to become a member of a group) the WTO.参考答案:1. personal 2. receive 3. asleep 4. later 5.enter/join一鼓作气(课中强化类)Exercises for new words(生词专练)Ⅰ.Write down the right word form requested in the brackets.(根据括号内的要求,写出单词的正确形式。)1.attract(名词) __________           2.fox(名词复数) __________3.wake (形容词) __________           4.film(同义词) __________5.wonder(形容词) __________         6.India(形容词) __________参考答案:1.attraction 2.foxes 3.awake 4.movie5.wonderful 6.IndianⅡ. Translate the Chinese in the brackets into English to complete


人教版英语八下 unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum 同步测试
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