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Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section B Self check教学课件

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 英语教学课件系列Goforit!八年级(下)Unit 9Have you ever been to a museum?Self CheckYes, I’ve already bought a newspaper.Have you bought a newspaper?Yes, I’ve already done my homework .Have you do your homework?Yes, I’ve already fed the dog .Have you fed the dog?Yes, I’ve already watered the plants. Have you watered the plants?Yes, I’ve already cleaned my room.Have you cleaned your room?  OK, let’s play computer game! Great! southeast wonderful population quarter fear excellent Night SafariReview the words and expressions东南部; 东南的极好的人口四分之一害怕, 担心卓越的夜间野生动物园 environment natural temperature equator whenever spring autumn season awake type环境自然的;自然界的温度赤道无论时春天秋天季节醒着的类型在东南亚度假胜地过四分之三的……练习英语的好地中国以外(的地)担心……来自中国的食物不费劲找到米饭觉得敢一个绝好的地in Southeast Asiaa wonderful place to take a holidaymore than three quarters of…a good place to practice Englishoutside of China fear that…food from Chinanot have any problem finding ricefeel bravean excellent place尝试新食物西餐夜间野生动物园似乎很奇怪天黑在白天如此特殊醒来做某事的最好时间一个更自然的环境try new foodwestern foodNight Safariseem strange It’s dark.during the daytimeso specialwake up It’s the best time to do…


Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section B Self check教学课件
上一篇:Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section B Reading 2a-2e课件(含音频)    下一篇: Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section B (2a-2e)教学课件