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    Singapore -------A place You Will Never Forget?Unit9ReadingEiffel TowerFranceLondon BridgeThe UKThe Statue of Liberty The USThe Roman Colosseum ItalyTaj MahalIndiaSphinxEgyptBlue HouseSouth KoreaMerlionSingapore“狮城”由来 (The origin of the name)新加坡的原意为“狮城”。据马来史籍记载,公元1324年左右,苏门答腊的一个子乘船到达此岛,在现今的新加坡河口无意中发现一头动物形若狮子,是把这座小岛取名Singapore。“Singa“就是狮子的意思,“Pore”则代表城市,而狮子具有猛、雄健的特征,故以此作为地名,这就是新加坡 “狮城” 的来历 。“The lion city” Singapore's?original intention is "the lion city".?According to?the Malayhistorical records,?in 1324 ad,?a?prince by boat?to the island?of Sumatra,?in themouth of the Singapore River?accidentally found?an animal?shape if the?lion,so this?small island?named?Singapura.?"Singa"?is the meaning of the lions,"Pura"?represents the?city,?characteristics of?the lion is brave,?heroic,?therefore as the place,?this is?Singapore?"lion city". What do you know about Singapore before you go there?Singaporefoodplaces to visitweatherlanguagepeoplelocatione??n] n.地点;位置Before you readLocation: Where is Singapore?Location: in Southeast Asia It’s on the south of MalaysiaWhat do you know ab


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