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新目标八年级下Unit 9 Section B 2a-2e Reading阅读课课件

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Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?      Section B 2a-2e Reading  made by --- Amanda  赤    道a small island in Southeast AsiaIt's close to the        ./?'kwe?t?/The temperature is almost ____ _____ all year round.the  same= the whole yearequatorLet's enjoy some pictures!What do you think of Singapore?a wonderful and safe place to take a holiday adj. not dangerousSingapore ---          a place you will never forget! __________________food place to visittemperature_________________location and language__________________________________Para.1Para.2Para.3Para.4位置Tips(提示): Usually read the first sentence in each paragraph.Skimming What is each paragraph about?ScanningTips: Underline the key words on your textbook. Southeast AsiaPutonghua and EnglishChinese food, Indian food, western food, and Japanese foodNight Safari almost the same all year round=a e--- spring, summer, autumn or winter.= at any time Read again and fill in the chart.You won't have any trouble getting food.      Read para 1 carefully and ans


新目标八年级下Unit 9 Section B 2a-2e Reading阅读课课件
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