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▲七下unit1 单选1、Lin Tao can't play _______ chess, but he can play _______ guitar.    A、the; the B、/; the C、the; / D、/; /2. The boy often helps his parents ( ) the housework on weekends.A. with  B. in  C. at  D. on3. My brother can play the guitar, ( ) he can’t paly it very well.A. or  B. but  C. and  D. also 4.- Can Tom ( ) Chinese?  -Yes, but only a little.A. speak  B. tell  C. say  D. talk-What club do you want ( )?-The ( ). I like English very much.A. join; English club  B. to join; English club  C. to join; music club  D. join; music club  6. Please ( ) me ( ) 888888A. call; at  B. tell; at  C. call; in  D. tell; in  7.What can you do, Linda?A. I like English B. I want to join the swimming club.C. I am a student.D. I can do Chinses Kungfu. 8. - Can you plat football?- ( ) It’s hard,A. Yes, I can.  B. No, I can’t  C. No, I can. D. Yes, I can’t. 9. – Can Henry draw or sing?- ( )A. No, he doesn’t  B. Draw, I think.  C. Yes, he can. D. He can’t dance. 10. You sing well, You can join the ( ) club. A. art  B. music  C. basketball  D. chess.11. Are you good ______ kids? We need help _____


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