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人教版英语八下Unit 10复习资料

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     Unit 10. I’ve had this bike for three years .yard n. 院子 school yard 校园 in the yard 在院子里 yard sale 庭院拍卖会Jeff’s family is having a yard sale .2. sweet 英 美 adj.甜的,甜蜜的,愉快的,美好的,温柔的,亲切的,香的   n.糖果,甜食,餐后的甜点心,甜味,宝贝(可数)There are few things quite as sweet as revenge. 几乎没有比复仇更的事情了。Amy wants to keep her old things because they bring back sweet memories .I have many sweets , do you want one ?3. memory n. 记忆,回忆,记忆力(可数)--? memorize v. 记住 memorize sth.My grandmother has a good memory ,she is trying to memorize a poem .4. bear n.  v. 出生-? bore -?born   be born 出生There are too many bears in the forest .I was born in Nanping on May 24th 2002 5. make v. 制造;做;生产;使----> maker n. 生产者;制订者 bread maker 面机He made a model plane yesterday .  I often make her laugh .Amy’s mom has had the old bread maker for more than ten years .6. scarf n. 围巾;披巾;头巾----> (复数) scarfs / scarves She has many beautiful scarves .7. soft adj. 软的;柔软的----> hard 硬的  soft toy 软体玩具;布绒玩具The seats here are hard ,but the ones there are soft .The girls all like soft toys .8.check v. 审查,检查 ① check out 观察,察看  He checked to make sure . 他核查无


人教版英语八下Unit 10复习资料
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