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人教版八下Unit 10 Section B period 1 教案

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Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years.Section B1 (1a-1d) 教案一、语言知识:词汇:at least, a primary school, a concert hall, bridge, hill 用表达:How long has it been there?     The concert hall has been around for at least 20 years.二、语言技能: 描述所居住城市或者家乡的特色建筑物的历史变迁。三、学习策略: 1.通过听搜寻信息2.在真实的语境中积极参与师生、生生互动,借助课件开展口语交际和调查采访活动。四、情感意识:通过谈论家乡有特色的地,增进对家乡的了解,从而更加热爱家乡。教学进程Step 1情景导入(Show a picture to the students)T:This is my hometown.This is a library.It has been here since I was born.This is a hospital and it is the highest building in my hometown. It has been here for five years.Now,please tell your partner something about your hometown like this.环节说明:以此为导入语既了学过的现在完成时态,又引出了新课的学习,同时也练习了学生的口语。Step 2完成教材1a—1d的务1.学生齐读1a中的单词和词组,然后标注出你们家乡所拥有的地或东西,完成后小组内互相交流答案。2.认真听录音,回答1b中的三个问题,完成后请学生展示答案,教师点拨。3.再听一遍录音,将1c的表格填与完整,完成后请学生展示答案,教师点拨核对答案。4.听第三遍录音,学生跟读并整体感知对话内容。Check the answers by asking the students to say the full sentences according to what they’ve heard. 5. Listen to the conversation again and complete the conversation Martin: Hey, Jenny, your hometown is really _________. Jenny: Yes, I’ve ______ _______


人教版八下Unit 10 Section B period 1 教案
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