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七年级英语下册Unit7 SectionA Period 1课件

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Section APeriod 1 (1a-2d) Unit 7It’s raining!Let’s review!What are they doing?What are they doing?They are watching TV.What is he doing?He is playing basketball.What is she doing?She is cooking.wWhat are they doing?They are playing games.What are they doing?They are making a snowman.They are playing pingpong.They are playing football.He is swimming.They are planting trees.He is running.Under what weather do you do these activities?Do you plant trees when it is snowing?Do you make a snowman when it is raining?Let's Learn the Weather!sunweather: sunnystormweather: stormywcloudweather: cloudywindweather: windy rainweather: rainy /rainingsnowweather: snowy/snowingsunny cloudy windyrainysnowyWhat do they mean?Let's Practice!    How is the weather today?    It’s …windy    How is the weather today?cloudyHow is the weather today?sunnyHow is the weather today?wrainyHow is the weather today?snowyHow is the weather today?  How is the weather? = What’s the weather like?   like在这里是用作介词raining___windy____cloudy____sunny_____snowing___abecd1a Match the words with the pictures. 〔a


七年级英语下册Unit7 SectionA Period 1课件
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