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Ⅰ.翻译下列短语(12分)1 努力学习_____________________ 2 在度假______________________________ 3 朝… 看__________________________ 4玩得高兴 _________________________ 5 拍照 ____________________________ 6 躺在沙滩上 ______________________Ⅱ.据句意及音标写出单词。(8)1.Look at the sun. It’s shining brightly. It’s a ______/'s?n?/day.  A. sun      B. snowy   C. sunny  D. some2.The radio _________/ s e z/ it will be rainy tomorrow (明天).  A. see      B. sees     C. saying  D. says3. It is so today. The children are going __________ / 's w ? m ? ?/now. A. swimming   B.swiming   C. swim   D. swims4.— What’s the _______/w e e ?/ like today? — It’s very humid.  A. wet      B.wetter    C. wether  D.weather5. Look at the clouds. It’s _________/ k l a ? d ?/ today. A. clouds    B. cloudy    C. windy  D. kind6.There is a dog ___________ / 'l a? ?i ?/on the floor.  A. lie      B. lieing     C. lying   D. line7.That ________/ s a ? n dz/ terrible. That can’t be true(真实的). A. sound    B. sounds    C. says   D.sees8.— What are you doing?— I’m ________ / 't e ? k ? ?/photos.  A. teaching   B. talking    C. telling  D. takin


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