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人教版七下unit 7 Section B(1a-1e)教案及教学反思

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Unit 7 It’s raining!第四  SectionB(1a-1e) 听说课Teaching and learning Goals:功能:Mater the words about the weather:dry,cold, cool,warm, hot     Master the sentences: How’s it going? Great! Not too bad. Terrible.词汇和用表达:能够听懂有关“天气”话题的对话,并从中捕捉听力的关键信息。并学  会使用电话用语互致问候、谈论天气、并使用现在进行时询问正在进行的活动。情感目标:通过了解不同季节里人们进行的不同活动,学会热爱生活,感受地球之美。课前准备:学生自带旅行或个人生活照一,以便进行小组活动。Teaching and learning steps Step 1 Lead in (导入)1.The teacher show a picture.(以春季踏青赏油菜花导入)T: It’s spring now. The people in the picture look happy.What are they doing?S1:They are playing in the flowers.T: How’s the weather?S1:It’s warm and sunny.T: Do you want to do some exercise?S1:Yes. T:Great!Now come with me . Now let’s talk about some other photos2. PairworkAsk the students to make the conversation according to the pictures..  Here is an exampleSA:What are they doing in the picture?SB: They are watching flowers.SA: How’s the weather?SB: It’s sunny.(设计意图:以春季踏青为话题导入,新颖且贴合生活实际,然后让学生使用上节课学习的How’s the weather? What are they doing?谈论其他的几户外活动的照片,以旧带新,引出本课关温度的生词。)Step 2: Pre-listening activities 听前活动Task 1.Preview-taskT: Morning, class! How’s


人教版七下unit 7 Section B(1a-1e)教案及教学反思
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