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unit7 it is raining的重点知识点ppt

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Let's Learn the Weather!stormweather: stormycloudweather: cloudysunweather: sunnywindweather: windy rainweather: rainy /rainingsnowweather: snowy/snowingsunny cloudy windyrainysnowyWhat do they mean?1. It’s raining. 1) it 可用来指代天气, 在句中可不译为中文。  要根据上下文理解。如:  It is windy. (天气)在刮风。  It’s cold today. 今天很冷。Language Points 2. How’s the weather? 天气怎么样?1) 后可接时间、地点。如:How’s the weather today? 今天天气怎么样?How’s the weather in Sichuan? 天气怎么样?2) 回答用“It’s + 天气”, 如:  --How’s the weather today?   --It’s cloudy. 3) 同义句为: What’s the weather like? 如: How’s the weather in Beijing?= What’s the weather like in Beijing?4) 对“天气”提问用“How’s the weather?” 如:   Today is sunny. → How’s the weather today?注意: weather是不可数名词, 与work, news等一样, 前面不用冠词a (an)。3. 名词+y      形容词   1) wind—windy cloud—cloudy  sun—sunny    rain—rainy  fog—foggy   snow—snowy 这几组表天气的词都是“名词+y = 形容词”。2) snow 名词 “”;动词 “下”。 其形容词为snowy. “下了”可说: It’s snowing. 或 It’s snowy.4. 表“风、云、雨、”等天气的名词都是不可数名词。但有时可在前面加上“a”,表示“一团、阵”等,这时就是可数。如:  a wind 一阵风   a cloud 一团云  a rain 一阵雨   We can see many clouds in the sky.   我们能看到空中有多云彩。Language PointsMy family and I a


unit7 it is raining的重点知识点ppt
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