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Unit 1 Can you play the guitar_ Section B(1a-1f)教案

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Unit1 Can you play the guitar ?Section B(1a-1f)Teaching GoalsKnowledge goals:To master some new words: drum, play the drum, piano, play the piano, violin, play the violin.. also, people, home, be good with, make ,make friends, today, help with sth, center ,weekend, on the weekend, teach.(2) To master the usage of modal verb “play/can/help”.Ability goals:(1) use“can”to talk about one’s abilities and likes(2) Arouse students’ interest in English by group work, and help students to form good learning habits.Emotion goals: To help students to love English, show their abilities, and communicate with other people actively.Teaching methodsSituation teaching method: Task-based teaching method, Pair-work andGroup work.Difficult PointsDistinguish “play the+instruments” and “play+balls”.Teaching AidsSome pictures about musical instruments, a short video and multimedia.Teaching proceduresActivities between the teacher and the studentsDesign intentI. Leading-inFirst, let’s students enjoy a video.Revision (Ask some students to make a sentence, using “I can..., but I can't


Unit 1 Can you play the guitar_ Section B(1a-1f)教案
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