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七年级英语下Unit 7检测题

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七年级英语人教(下)Unit 7单元单项选择(15小题,每小题1分,共15分)1.--What ______bad weather it is today! --Yes, ______weather makes me so sad.A.a; a B./; the C.an; the D.the; a2.It’s too _______ outside, you must put on your coat. A. hot   B. cool   C. cold   D. warm3.What _______ the children ______?A. is, doing   B. does, do   C. are, doing   D. do, do4.It’s a   day.Let’s play soccer. A.rainy    B.snowy   C.sun   D.sunny 5.How many _______ do you want?A.meat    B. bananas C. milk     D. apple6.--Where are his family? --They are all   vacation now.A.at      B.of      C.on      D.tor7.--   ?   --It’s raining.A.How is it going   B.How are you C.What’s the weather  D.How is the weather8.It’s   today.I think it’s going to    .A.cloud;rain    B.cloudy;raining  C.cloudy;rain    D.cloudy;rainy9.--Look!A woman with three children    crossing the street.--Let’s help them.A.is    B.are    C.was  D.were10.--Could I use your CD player? --______.A.Yes,you can B.Yes,you could  C.Yes,you must  D.Yes,you should11.--   is the weather? --It’s Sully.A.How    B.Who   C.What   D.Where12.--   is the weather like 


七年级英语下Unit 7检测题
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