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人教版七年级下册英语Unit 7 Section A 第三课时课件

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Unit 7It's raining!Section B1a~2c visit v.拜访;参观When you visit London,one of the first things to see is Big Ben.你参观伦敦时,首先要看的东西之一是大本钟。We are visiting our friends in town.我们在看望城里的朋友。【拓展】如果visit作名词的话,则后面要加上to之后才能接拜访或参观的对象。She is on her visit to her parents.她正在去看望她的父母。BACKsit v.坐sit的现在分词是sitting;名词是seat (座位)。Can you sit on the bed?你能坐在床上吗?Where is my seat?我的座位在哪儿?BACKhard adv.努力地     adj.困难的作副词时,放在句尾;作形容词时,相当difficult。They work hard.他们努力工作。She is having a hard time at the moment.她目前过得很艰辛。BACKEurope  n. 欧洲其形容词是European“欧洲的”。该词是以辅音音素/j/开头,作定语修饰单数名词时,注意前面的冠词用a。Germany is a European country.德国是一个欧洲国家。BACKcountry n.国家;国表示“国家”时,可以有复数名词countries,但用在短语in the country(在乡下)中时,不用复数形式。His parents live in the country.他的父母住在乡下。BACK1aMatch the words with the pictures.     1. ___dry    3. ___cool     5. ___hot          2.___cold   4. ___warm1bPair workAsk and answer questions about theweather in the pictures in 1a.A: How's the weather   in the picture d?B: It's dry.A: How's the weather    in the picture a?B: It's cold.Listening1cListen and write what Mary and Eric answer to How'


人教版七年级下册英语Unit 7 Section A 第三课时课件
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