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人教版七年级下册英语Unit7 Section A 1a–2c课件

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How is the weather? Task onesunnywindyrainysnowycloudysunsunny.cloudcloudy.windwindy. rainrainy.snowsnowy.It’s windy.It’s cloudy.It’s sunny.It’s rainy.It is raining now.It’s snowy.It is snowing now.— How’s the weather in Beijing?— It’s sunny.Task two— It’s snowy.— How’s the weather    in Moscow?Moscow — It’s cloudy.— How’s the weather in Shanghai?Shanghai— How’s the weather in Boston?— It’s rainy. BostonTask fourLet’s have a weather report!MoscowShanghaiTorontoBostonTask threeraining windysunnysnowing cloudyListening practiceBeijingsummary询问天气的用语为: —How’s the weather in +地点?—It’s +表示天气的形容词Task fivepractice!一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。  1. It’s a ______ day today (sun).  2. The weather is bad now. It’s _______    (wind).  3. It’s ______ (cloud) now. Is it going to rain?sunnywindycloudy4. — How’s the weather now?  — It _________ (rain) now.  5. It’s  _______(snow) in winter in Harbin now. is rainingsnowy二、改错1. -- How is the weather today?   --It is cloud .2. --How is the weather today?  --It raining.yisWhat can we do?Homework1-50号:总结有关天气的形容词词汇。1-40号:三个有关天气问答的对话。    Thank you.


人教版七年级下册英语Unit7 Section A 1a–2c课件
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