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人教英语七年级下册Unit7 Section A (1a-2c)课件

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 英语教学课件系列Goforit!七年级下册Section AUnit 7It’s raining!weathersnow rain sunnywindycookcloudyMain WordsDo you know these places?BeijingShanghaiMoscowBostonTalk about the weather.cloudyHow’s the weather there?It’s cloudy.It’s raining. It’s rainy.It’s snowing. It’s snowy.It’s windy.How’s the weather there?It’s sunny.ShanghaiBostonBeijingMoscow Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!Here is the weather forecast! Today is Wednesday .Beijing is sunny.Boston is raining. Moscow is snowing.And it is cold.Shanghai is cloudy…Weather Forecast How is the weather in …?What is the weather like in …?        sunny.       cloudy. It’s  windy.      raining/rainy.      snowing/snowy.Look and sayLet’s learn!Let’s do! 1a. Match the words with the pictures.1. raining ____2. windy____3. cloudy____4. sunny ____5. snowing____ aedbc1b. Listen and write these city namesIn the boxes above. Beijing  Moscow  Toronto  Boston  ShanghaiTorontoMoscowShanghaiBoston1c. Imagine you are in one of the places in 1a. Talk about the weather with your friend on the phone.A: Hi! How’s the weather in Beijing?B: It’s sunny.A: How’s the we


人教英语七年级下册Unit7 Section A (1a-2c)课件
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