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新目标英语七年级下册Unit7 Section B1a-1e课件

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        人教版七年级英语下册                   Unit 7   It’s raining!           Section B  (1a-1e)                              Unit 7      It’s raining!Section B(1a-1e) Section B  period11.Learn more adj.s and use them to describe  the weather. warm ,hot, cool, cold , dry 教学目标How’s the weather in …?   It’s hot, cold, cool… How’s it going (with you)?  Great! /.Not bad.  What are you doing?   I’m having a party/visiting   2.Listening and speaking the target language3.Moral goal know hometown’s weather   and greet politely in a telephone call.Ask and answerRevisionWhen the sun comes out, it’s________.When there are some clouds, it’s_______.When it’s raining, it’s________.When it’s snowing, it’s________.When the wind is blowing(吹)  it’s_______.sunnycloudyrainysnowywindyRevision 根据上下文写单词Look and saypresentationspringsummerautumnwinterwarm fly kites …hot rain go swimming …cool be busy…cold snow white snowman …dryNew words     Match the words with the pictures._____ dry  3. _____ cool  5. ____ hot2. ____ cold  4. _____ warmdabce1a   Ask and answer the pictures in1a.  How is the weather in picture a


新目标英语七年级下册Unit7 Section B1a-1e课件
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