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人教版英语八年级下册Unit8 SectionB阅读课教案

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 文贤Title新目标Unit8 2b A country music song changed her life forever.Analysis of teaching material本单元话题是文学和音乐,话题功能是谈论最近发生的事情和经历,本单元SectionB部分主题是音乐。本节课是一节阅读课,学生通过读前、读中、读后一系列阅读活动完成各项学习务。通过阅读,把握文章各落核心,培养学生归纳落大意的,在对文本理解的上,对整篇文章的大意进行总结,复述,并能够写出自己的经历。Analysis of students 由是八年级学生,他们经过了近两年的学习,掌握了大量的词汇和语音,对英语的分析也比七年级有了很大的,本班学生英语程度较好,上基本能用英语思考和分析问题。Teaching aimsUnderstangd the passage and master some reading strategies.Summarise the passage by making notes.Be more aware of the importance of the music. Teaching key points and difficult pointsGetting students to understand the passage and master some reading strategies.Teaching methodsTsk-based language teaching approch,the communicative approch .Teaching aidsppt, video clipsStages Procedures InteractionpatternsAims Warm up   and lead in (3minutes) 1.Enjoy a beautiful song2.Free Talk1) Do you love music?2)Do you enjoy singing songs?3)What kind of music do you like?    T-SsMotivate the Ss and arouse their interest


人教版英语八年级下册Unit8 SectionB阅读课教案
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