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人教版八年级下册Unit9 Section A Grammar-4c 教案

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 八年级下册Unit9第3 Section A Grammar-4c的教学设计 教学目标一、知识与技能1. 掌握词汇和短语:German,theme,ride,province,a couple of.2. Learn to use the Present Perfect Tense. 二、过程与法1. Explanation method.2.Exercise methods.三、情感态度与价值观To raise students’ interest of learning English.教学1. 掌握词汇和短语:German,theme,ride,province,a couple of.2. Learn to use the Present Perfect Tense. 教学难点To understand and use the present perfect tense.教法导航创设情景,为学生营造一个尽量真实的语言环境,鼓励他们多练习,多思考。学法导航多看,多听,多思考,多说,多实践,小组多沟通,交流,合作。教学准备图片,多媒体。教学过程Step 1 Revision Write the following verb past tense and past participle.be ________ _________    go __________ ____________hear _______ _________    see _________ ____________come ______ _________    learn ________ ____________ Complete the sentences.我去过两次。I _______ ______ ______Beijing twice.旅客已经去了吗?_______ the passengers ______ to Beijing yet?昨天小明去了公园。Xiaoming ______ ______ the park yesterday.昨天他没有去那儿,我也没去。He didn’t go there yesterday, _______ ______.你听说过太空站吗?Have you ever ______ ______ the space station?  Step 2 Grammar FocusAsk students to read the sentences of Grammar focus aloud.Then let them


人教版八年级下册Unit9 Section A Grammar-4c 教案
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