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Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation导学案2

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导学案教学课题   Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?  1.动词过去式短语和一些名胜古迹2.句型:——Where did you go on vacation?——I went to …….3.Write a travel diary. Write a travel diary. 【温故知新】  课前预习.课 前熟读下列过去式短语和地名  (要求:上课前一分钟班长负责齐读以下短语)1. Tian’anmen Square _________________2. the Summer Palace___________________3 The Great Wall _____________________4. Beijing Hutong_____________________ 5. the Palace Museum__________________6. visited my uncle_____________________ 7. went to summer camp_ _______________8. went to the beach_______________ ______9. visited museums_____________________10. stayed at home______________________11. went to the mountains________________ 12. watched T V_____________________ Task 1 ( 务1 ) → Talk about some pictures (要求:各小组轮流回答,不准抢答,待所轮小组该同学答不出,其他小组有机会)Task 2 ( 务2 ) →Translate the phrases above 翻译上面短语 (要求:两分钟 后,老师意收每个组一位同学,根据他的答案为每组打分,满分5分,错一扣一,扣完为止。注意:老师检查4位同学的答案时,班长负责齐读ppt上的短语 )Task 3 ( 务3 ) → Play a game   (要求:课前各组小组长抽了自己组的4个号,分发在自己组员手中,这一关的做法是:老师按顺序叫号,手中有该号的同学代表你组回答问题为本组得分。注意:每个编号根据题目的难易程度分值不一样的。)【重难点点击】Task 4 ( 务4 ) →Enjoy the scenery of Beijing then help me write a diary


Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation导学案2
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