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Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation词组与句子

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Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation ? 词组与句子一、词组翻译(一)1.和某人一起走2.和某人一起出去3.去纽约4.买一些不寻的东西5.见一些有趣的人6.为…而学习7.做一些有趣的事8.去中心公园9.好久不见10.在度假答案go with someone   go out with someone go to New York Citybuy something specialmeet someone interesting  study fordo something interestinggo to Central Parklong time no seebe on vacation(二)1.和家人去…2.去有趣的地3.果树瀑布4.相当多,不少5.做些特别的事情6.大部分时间7.呆在家里8.当然9.似乎很厌倦10.写日记答案go to …with my family go somewhere interesting Huangguoshu waterfall quite a fewdo something specialmost of the timestay at homeof courseseem to be boredkeep a diary(三)1 到达2 决定去海滩3 感受到4骑自行车去镇上5喜欢绕镇子走走100年以前过去走到顶部开始下小大雨等一小时多的火车到达山顶又湿又冷因为恶劣的天气足够的味道不错忘记带雨伞答案arrive inatdecide to go to the beach feel likeride a bicycle to the wownenjoy walking around the town100 years agoin the pastwalk up to the topstart raining a littlewait over an hour for the trainget to the topwet and coldbecause of the bad weatherenough moneytaste good icegreatforget to bring an umbrella二、句子1.Long time no see.2.Did you go anywhere intersting?3.We took quite a few photos there.4.Did you do anything special last month?5.I just


Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation词组与句子
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