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省新人教九年级unit9-10练习一、单项选择1. Too much fast food is bad for us. We should only have it __________. A. all the time      B. from now on    C. at the moment     D. once in a while2. I'm afraid the boy can't deal with the problem. ___________, he is only 8 years old. A. In general   B. So far      C. After all      D. For example3. He got up ___________late, so he only had ___________ bread and rushed to work.A. a little; a bit    B. a bit of; a bit of   C. a little; a bit of   D. a bit of; a bit  4.--What do you think of his speech? --Oh, very good. It's worth ___________.A. to listen to     B. listening      C. listen to     D. listening to5. He gave us some ___________ on how to learn English well.A. advice      B. advices     C. suggestion    D. idea二、单词拼写1.The girl is greatly interested in the song. The lyrics of it e_________her thoughts and feelings.2. WuJing's new movie“Wolf Warriors Ⅱ”has won high p________from the public and simply moves millions of people. 3. The life was hard for the Greens, e_________ when they had another baby.4. --I keep the old


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