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Unit 8 It must belong to Carla 第五 Section B 1a-1d学习目标:(1)记住并会运用本课单词及短语(2)继续学习情态动词表推测可能性的用法一、1. You should wear a _____________when you attend a concert.2. My father bought me a _________as a birthday gift last year.3. We can see lots of stars in the_______________at night.4. The plane finally _____________ on the airport safely after ten minutes.5. He got up so early that he _____________ the early bus this morning.二.默写下列短语 1. 追赶   ________   2. 跑步锻炼  ___     3. 穿西装  _____ ___________  4. 在天空中   ____    5. 赶汽车上班   ______   6.奇怪的事  ________   三.拓展延伸(重难点)1. No, he is wearing a suit.不,他正穿着西装。(1)suit作名词时,意为“     ”。(2) suit作动词时,意为“   ”,侧重合乎条件、身份、心意、需要等。suit sth. to sth./sb.表示“适合某事某人(3)fit意为 适合 (侧重形状和尺寸合适)。(4)suitable形容词,合适的。be suitable for意为“    ”e.g. This house    (合心意)my parents well.  The shoes   (合适)me well. He wants to find a    (合适的)school.2. A woman with a camera.一个带有相机的妇女。  英语里表达“有,没有”,可以用there be句型,动词have,介词with, without。there be句型表示“某地     ”。 have作动词表示“某人     ”。介词with     , without    ,做伴随状语。e.g.       50 students in our class.He    a lot of friends at school.He sits on a c


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