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人教版九年级英语下册unit10 you are supposed to shake hands 测试题

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Unit 101:单词     2: 短语第一次             握手            犯错误使某人感到惊讶         对......感到放松        顺便访问制定计划            毕竟           在中午大动肝火           作出努力          一直坚持做某事格外努力           使某人兵宾至如归        习惯做某事把......插入......到        应该做某事期待某人做某事        做某事很重要1: “as soon as”           2: It is+adj+for sb+to do sth.3:考知识点(定语从句)1:--You look sad. What has happened?-Everyone___us to win the match,but we lost.        A:allowed B: expected  C: hoped   2: The students ___wear school uniform when they 're at school.     A: are supposed to  B: are allowed to  C: are afraid to3: John ___Beijing the day before yesterday.   A: arrived at B: arrived  C: arrived in 4:I'll call you___I get to Beijing.   A: as soon as  B: as much as  C :as far as5:The movie is moving ad it's w orth__.   A:seeing B: to see  C: see  1:--In Japan, you are supposed to___shoes before you ent er the room.        A:put on B: take off  C: put off   2: It's rude to point___someone ___your chopsticks.     A: at;in  B: out;in  C:at;with  3: We go to school every day _____Saturday .  A: beside B: except C:besides4:How dose Jack usu


人教版九年级英语下册unit10 you are supposed to shake hands 测试题
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