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九年级英语课件:Unit10 B-2

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Unit 12You’re supposed to shake hands.Section B  Period 2 (3a — 4)Have you ever eaten French cuisine?What do you know about the table manners in France?Read the e-mail message from Wang Kun and make a list of table manners in France. put your bread on your plate. put the bread on the table.eat anything with your hands except bread.cut fruit up and eat it with a fork. say you are full.say “It was delicious.” put your hands in your lap.keep your hands on the table.3aTable Manners in France!Why was Wang Kun nervous before she arrived in France?Because her French was not very good.2. Why did she have no reason to be nervous?Because her host family was really nice.3. How has her French improved?Her French has improved quickly. She is very comfortable speaking French now. Read the e-mail message from Wang Kun and answer the questions.3a4. What is one particular challenge she is facing?One particular challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner table.5. What does she find surprising?People put your bread on the table, not on the plate.3aRead the e-mail message from Wang Kun and an


九年级英语课件:Unit10 B-2
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