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人教新目标版九年级全册Unit 10period 3课件

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Unit 10 You’re supposed to shake hands.     It’s important to ___________.You are supposed to ______________.对---相当随意东奔西跑惜时间在我们日生活中顺便拜访制定计划做某事握手亲吻脸颊四处走走 be relaxed about rush around value the time in our everyday lives drop by make plans to do shake hands kiss on the side of the face walk around毕竟在中午大动肝火作出努力避免交通拥堵让别人久等事先未打电话不是重要的事伸出双手第一次被期待做某事被期望做某事,应该 after all at noon get mad make an effort to avoid heavy traffic keep others waiting without calling first no big deal hold out the hand for the first time be expected to do be supposed to do four seasonspassport(s)What should we bring if we want to go abroad?It's important to bring the passport.Norwayin northern coast of EurpopeIt's important to wear warm clothes.You are supposed to wear light clothes.in eastern coast of AustraliaYou are supposed to wear light clothes.It's important to know some table manners.席间谈话不应涉及到个人私事,这很重要。如果你到别人家里去做客,当主人给你上菜时,你说不要是不礼貌的。很重要应尽量把盘子里的东西吃完,如果你剩一些,会被认为很不礼貌。如果主人(host)问你是否要点什么时,你应直截了当地说,不应谦让。吃完后,一定要帮助客人收拾,但是不要抢着去洗碗赴宴或在别人家里做客,饭后立即离开时很不礼貌的。最佳离开时间是饭后半小时以后。It's important to _______________.You are supp


人教新目标版九年级全册Unit 10period 3课件


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