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unit 10 you are supposed to shake hands学案

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年  级九年级学 科英 语课  型新授课教师盟盟人冬,文使用教师九内、九学老师学习内容Unit 10 You are supposed to shake hands. (共八个)Unit 10 You are supposed to shake hands.第1(Vocabulary&Section A 1a—1c)听说课一、学习目标:1、学习词汇custom, bow, kiss, greet, be supposed to 2com2、学习表达初次见面的相关词汇与句型;描述自己或他人在不同场合应该做什么;讨论不同国家的风俗习惯,如初次见面的礼仪等。 3、掌握下列句型:be supposed to,be expected to句型二、预习交流:(10分钟)1、独学:a、熟读记住Section A四会词汇。b.完成课本P1 1a。C、读一读,译一译be supposed to do _____________  for the first time _______________  shake hands _________________  be expected to do _____________ 2、对学或群学:相互检查单词、1a及预习导航相关练习,交流疑难。三、 展示点评 (20分钟)1、 预习展示: 1)、检查全班同学对词汇的掌握情况。       2)、分组检查课本1a及预习导航部分的完成情况。2、 新课展示:        1)、同桌结对完成1a。        2)、 听力: a.听录音同桌结对完成1b ,并核对答案。           b.再听一遍,跟读并注意语音、语调。口语展示:用1b 中的信息编对话。(Braorea  England  Mexico …)A: What are people in…supposed to do when they meet for the first time?B: They’re supposed to… . How about in …A: In … , they are expected to …四、 (10分钟)1. 各自对本所学知识进行小结。 2. 回答下列问题。What should you do when you meet your teacher ? What are people in Korea supposed to do when they


unit 10 you are supposed to shake hands学案
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