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九年级英语Unit 10重点短语汇总

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5.把…擦掉     clean sth off6.脱下/起飞     take off7.特地/格外努力 go out of one’s way to..8.使某人宾至如归 make sb feel at home9.习惯      be used to doing10.握手       shake hands11.被期望做/应该做 Sb be supposed to do12.被期待着做…   Sb be expected to do13.(做)…是重要的   be important to do 14.首次见面     meet for the first time15.犯一些错误    make some mistakes16.欢迎晚会      the welcome party17.交 朋友      make friends18.被期待着…    be ex pected to do19.伸手        hold hand20.使…惊讶的是   to one’s surprise21.晚到点       arrive a bit late2 2.做计划做…    make plans to do sth23.按时/准时     on time24.邀请某人做…   invite sb to do sth25.避开交通高峰期  avoid heavy traffic26.用手(拿)饭吃    eat with one’s hand27.插入…里     s tick sth into …28.在盘子里     on the plate29.撞击一个空碗   hit an empty bowl30.用…指点…    point at sb with sth31.最大的挑战    t he biggest challenge32.玩得高兴/过得愉快 have a good timehave fun / enjoy oneself33.学会怎样做…   learn how to do sth  


九年级英语Unit 10重点短语汇总
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