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七年级英语下册Unit?7 GrammarFocus-3b第三课时导学案

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英语组集体研备导学案时间:第八星期三地点:大会议室人:江月参备人:英语组全体成员主持人:秀英Unit 7 It’s raining GrammarFocus-3b第三* 教师寄语:Save for a rainy day. 未雨绸。【学习目标】:1. 总结归纳Section A部分知识;2. 学会运用Section A部分所学知识。 【体验学习】:预习交流1. 根据Grammar Focus, 归纳Section A部分知识;2. 自学课文,试着完成3a,3b的练习。 【导学】:I、新课呈现Step1 Grammar Focus1. Read Grammar Fous and translate into Chinese.Try to recite it.2. Give a summary about it. Ask every group to report it.Step2 Presentation1. Go through the senten ces in 3a. Complete the conversations.2. Check the answers and pract ice the conversations.Step3 Group work1. Look at the pictures in 3b. Try to fill in the chart.2. Work in groups. Ask and answer using the messages in the chart. II、合作交流Group work: 总结归纳Section A部分知识。1.描述天气的词汇: ____________________________________________ _          _____________________________________________    2.描述天气 的句子: _____________________________________________        _____________________________________________3.描述某人正在做什么的句子:             _____________________________________________________________  _______________________________ _________


七年级英语下册Unit?7 GrammarFocus-3b第三课时导学案
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