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七年级英语下册学案:unit 7 it is raining!

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Unit 7 It’s raining!一:words:1 rain –rainy—is raining/ How is the weather in Beijing?- It is raining at 9 :00.2 wind- windy./ How is the weather in England ?It is windy today.3 cloud-cloudy/ How is the weather in Shanghai?-It is cloudy today.4 sun—sunny/ What is the weather like in Moscow? It is sunny.5 snow—snowy---is snowing. How is the weather in Toronto? It is snowing now.6 weather (u.) How is the weather today?= What is the weather like today.7 cook/cooker What is she doing? She is cooking in the kitchen.8 bad - good/ How are you these days? Not bad.Be good for ---be bad for/ Running is good for us./ Reading in the sun is bad for our eyes.9 park/ in t he park/ at the park/ I am playing basketball with some friends at the park.No parking here!10 message/ take a message for you./ leave a mess age for her.11 can—could/ Can you play the guitar on the weekend? Could you tell him to call me back? Could you help me clean my house?12 back/ come back/ go back to your seat//Call me back/ call her back13 problem/ What’s your problem? Could you help me? –No problem.1 4 again/ try it again. H


七年级英语下册学案:unit 7 it is raining!
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