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人教版九年级英语Unit 10 学案

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Unit 10 You’re supposed to shake hands.Section A(1a-2c)【学习重难点】1.在不同的国家,第一次见面应该怎么做。       2.正确使用句型You’re supposed/expected to do sth./It is+adj.+动词不定式.【导学流程】 请根据所给汉语,用单词的适当形式完成句子Different countries have different____________________(风俗).She________________(亲吻)him and said goodbye.People in Korea___________________(鞠躬)when they meet for the first time.People in_________________(巴西)like to watch football games very much.They are supposed to shake hands when people in___________(墨西哥)meet for the first time.6.Maria___________________(问候)Paul’s mother the wrong way.二.【解释疑问】1.be supposed to do sth. 被期望做某事,应该做...... 1)当主语是人时,表示劝告、建议、责等=should =to be expected to do sth  You are supposed to______________( arrive) on time 2)当主语是物时,表示“本应;本该” The train was supposed to arrive half an hour ago.  be supposed to 与 should:  be supposed是suppose一词的______________语态结构,后接动词不定式,相当______________后接不定式。即:__________________.使用较随便,建议性强。否定式为 be not supposed to do sth. should 后接动词__________, 例:   You are not supposed to shake hands. = You shouldn’t shake hands.     shake→shook→shaken v 摇动,震动 shake hands 握手 shak


人教版九年级英语Unit 10 学案
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