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所属栏目: 英语计划总结  更新时间:2023-09-20 点击次数:

源初 中教 师*网 w Ww.9 1

  类型一 阅读选择型


  考点1 细节理解题



  [例题剖析] (2022年随州市阅读理解C节选)

  As soon as Juliet and her mom went home ,Juliet painted a picture of the park and wrote a signin large black letters at the top of the picture.


  Later , she took plenty of bags and went back to thepark with her mom. Juliet put up her picture on abig trash can(垃圾桶).

  49. Juliet drew the picture to

  A. show off her painting skills .

  B. give her mom a big surprise

  C. show people how beautiful the park was

  D. encourage people to keep the park clean

  [解析]根据“Juliet painted a picture of the parkand wrote a sign in large black letters at the top of the picture. The sign read ‘PLEASE KEEP OUR PARK CLEAN'.”


  考点2 推理判断题




  At this time, his father dropped a cherryonthe ground and Thomas picked it up quickly.andate it.

  After a while, his father dropped anothercherry and once again, hisson lost some time inpicking it up and putting it in his mouth. AndSOthey went on.

  The old farmer dropped the cherriesand the son picked them up.

  When Thomas had eaten all the cherries, hisfather said to him,“My dear son, if you had bent(弯曲) down earlier to pick up that horseshoe, itwould not have been necessary for you to bend somany times for the cherries.

  Always remember thelesson that anyone who doesnot worry about the .little things will find that he cannot do the greatthings.

  54. The father dropped the cherries one by one,

  because ,

  A. he wanted to teach his son a lesson

  B. he wanted hisson to do more exercise .

  C. he wanted his son to eat them all

  D. he wanted to play a joke

  [解析]根据文中“WhenThomashadeatenallthecherries ,his father said to him,' My dear son, ifyou had bent down earlier to pick up that horseshoe'

  推理可知,父亲把樱桃一个接一个的扔在地上,是想通过这件事给儿子一个教训,让他知道,想做成大事,必须从小事开始做起 。故选A。

  考点3词义/句意猜 测题





  考点4 主旨大意题




  考点5 标题归纳题




  All through grade school, I got extrahelp withschoolwork. IfI got a D, I was very happy. If I gotaC-minus ( C-),I had achieved greatness.A'sand B's were a kingdom I could never enter.

  Once my teacher, Miss Mills, had given me alist of ten spelling words.

  My mother and I wentoverthe list until I knew those words. I felt great.I thought,“Wow! This time,I'm going to pass."”

  ”The next day, I went into the classroom and beganto write down the words.

  The first word was carper. Iwrote that one down: c-a-r-p-e-t. I was feeling prettyconfident.

  Then came neighbor-I wrote down theletter n. Then rhythm-I knew there was an r.

  Suburban- I wrote s-u-b.Myconfidence failedme.

  I had gone from 100 percent to maybe a D-mi-nus.

  W here did the words go?

  Some people talk about information sliding offyour brain.

  That wasmy life.

  I was an undera-chiever(未能充分发挥学习潜力者).


  A person with dyslexia might see theas teh,andbird as brid. My brain learns differently.

  A learningdisability can really change the way you feel aboutyourself.

  Now I know that even if I learn differently,

  Icanstill be filled with greatness.

  Today when I visit schools as an actor,director ,and co-author of children's books, I tell children thateveryone has something special inside.

  It'sourjob to ,find out what that is and get it out, and give it to theworld as a gift.

源初 中教 师*网 w Ww.9 1
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