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初一英语教学案例:Unit 7 How much are these socks?

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源初 中教 师*网 w Ww.9 1
0w.net Unit 7 How much are these socks?
本单元以谈论服装为主题,通过介绍服装,学习一些常用的服装名词;能掌握“询问价格和颜色”的句型:How much is this T-shirt? It’s seven dollar.How much are these socks? They are two dollars.What color is it? It is red.What color are they? They are green.;掌握一些购买衣服时。常用的语言表达方式;能阅读一些简单的服装广告信息,并能写出一些简单的广告。通过本本单元一系列听、说、读、写的训练,让学生们会使用How much引导的问句以及回答;掌握一些表示颜色、形状、大小的形容词;学习数词10-3l;复习名词单、复数的使用和指示代词this, that,these,those的用法。
2、 知识技能方面,学生通过前2个课时服饰名称及价格大小颜色的学习,以及小学相关数字1-30的学习,已初步具备用How much is/are…?来询问物品价格的能力,同时也能对物品的各种特征进行谈论。这为本节课“商品购物”这一功能项目的学习创造了有利的条件。
三、 教材分析
1、 《How much are these socks?》新课程非常重视任务型的课堂教学特点,重视学生的知识与技能,强调学生在活动中完成任务,以达到利用英语进行听、说、读、写的能力。本节内容处于本单元的第3课时,内容贴近生活实际,涉及商品的购买过程。而之前几单元学习的各类词汇(学习用具、室内陈设物、食品、水果、蔬菜、运动设施等)以及相关句型:“Do you have…?”,“I like…”等却为学生在本节真实购物时编制对话奠定了基础。
2、 鉴于学生的实际及教材的特点,考虑到学生对购物话题的敏感,预测到他们在课堂上可能出现的积极表现。我大胆构思了整个教学过程,从复习引入到新知识的呈现乃至各个活动项目的开展都进行了全新的尝试:教师特别着装(温习旧知识)—→师生情景会话(新课导入)—→重现类似对话(复习巩固)—→学生互动(模仿对话)—→真实购物(活用知识)—→教师小结(结束教学)。
3、 通过本节所有活动项目的设计,一方面调动了学生主动参与的积极性,体验学习英语的乐趣。另一方面,也告诉了学生一个道理:知识来源于生活,也必服务于生活。从而使他们逐渐形成“学中用,用中学”的学习策略。有利于今后各种英语教学活动的顺利开展。
Can I help you? I like…/Do you have…? What color do you want?
I’ll take it。 Here’s the money…
2、 能力培养目标:通过核心任务的完成,使学生用英语进行购物、交流。学会选择自己喜爱、需要的物品。讨论其特征。
3、 情感体验目标:通过模拟真实购物,灵活运用知识,树立正确的买卖观念,从而服务于现实生活。
问题与情景 师生活动 设计意图
一、 温习旧知识:
问题2:你们想知道我的各种服饰值多少钱吗? 1、师问:Do you know the names of my clothes?
T:What’s this in English?
S:It’s a red \hat
(Repeat with black sweater\white coat\yellow bag)
T:What’re these?
S:They’re blue pants.
(Repeat with green socks black shoes)
S:How much is your white coat?
T:It’s 35 yuan.
S:How much are your pants
T:They’re 40 yuan.
. Presentation
1. T: I like shopping a lot. Do you like shopping? Now come with me to the clothes shop.         
(Show students a picture of a clothes shop.)
T: Do you like the clothes in the shop?
S: Yes, we do.
T: Can you name these clothes in English?
(Show a picture of a jacket.)
T: What’s this in English? It’s a jacket.
T: What’s this in English? It’s a T-shirt. T-S-H-I-R-T, T-shirt. Now repeat.
S: T-shirt.
(Show other pictures and teach Ss other clothes "socks, shorts, sweater, trousers, shoe, skirt”)
2. T: So much for this. And then let's review the numbers and learn the words related to prices.
T: Can you count from 0 to 9 in English?
S: Yes. Zero, one, two, three, four, five…
Let some students repeat that. Show some pictures of food, drink, school things, sports things with prices on the screen. 
Show some pictures of money from different countries, and ask students guess the names and teach them: yuan / dollar / pound. Then ask students about the prices. Help them answer.
T: How much is the ice cream?
S: It’s three dollars.  
T: How much is the backpack?
S: It’s six dollars.
T: How much are the soccer balls?
S: They’re 9 dollars.  
3.  Ask the students to look at the picture on P41 and match the words with the things in the picture.
T: Now let's work on 1a. We have some new words on the left of the picture and some things marked with a, b, c... and i. Please match the words with the objects in the picture by writing the letter of the objects on the lines next to the words. The first answer is given.
Check the answers by asking some students to read the words and the letters.
.  Listening
1. T: Next we’ll hear a conversation about shopping. The recording will be played twice. For the first time, listen to it carefully. Are you ready? OK!
T: For the second time, please circle the things in the picture you hear.
2. Check the answers. (Ask the students to listen to the recording and compare their answers with those in the recording.)
.  Pair work
1. Ask students to work in pairs and practice the conversations in la.
2. Make their own conversations with their partners.
3. Ask some pairs to act out their conversations.
. Listening
1.  Show students some colors by overhead projector.
T: These are different colors. What colors are they?
S: They are black, white, red, green, blue and yellow.
2. Show a big hat and a small hat.
  T: Look! This hat is big. It's a big hat. And this hat is small. It's a small hat.
    (Write "big" and "small" on the Bb.)
3. Show a long T-shirt and short T-shirt.
  T: Look! This T-shirt is long. It's a long T-shirt. And this T-shirt is short. It's a short T-shirt.
(Write "long" and "short" on the Bb.)
4. Now look at words in 2a. Listen to the recording and repeat after the recording.
  (Play the tape for the Ss listen and repeat.)
. Listening 
1. Ask the students to do listening to the conversations in 2b (P38) and circle the things they hear.
T: Today is Sunday. Alan is shopping with her sister. They are going to buy some clothes and some other things. Now I will play the recording about the conversation.
Play the recording for the first time. Listen carefully and circle the things you hear.
Play the recording again to check the answers.
2. Ask the students to do listening to the conversations in 2c (P38) and fill in the price tags.
Play the recording and ask the students to fill in the price tags. Then check the answers.
3. Ask students to listen and repeat after the recording.
.  Pair work
1. Then let's ask and answer questions about the things in 2c in pairs. e.g.
S1: I like these shorts. How much are they?
S2: They're six dollars.
2. Ss practice the conversation with their partners. Then make other conversations about the things in 2c.
3. Let some Ss act out their conversations.
 . Role-play
  1. Mary is shopping in a clothes shop. What does she want to buy? Now read the conversation and fill in the chart below.
Things Color Price
    2 dollars for on pair and three dollars for two pairs
2. Ss read the conversation with his/her partner. Discuss with his/her partner then fill the chart.
3. Check the answers with the class.
4. Ss practice the conversation with his/her partner. Then let some pairs role-play the conversation in front of the class.
5. 评价:(让学生们对自己的表现及语言表达能力进行自我评价,在小组内评价,然后进行评出最优秀的小组。并鼓励学生们下一次争取做最优秀的小组及个人。)
1. Ask students to remember the new words.
2. Ask the students to do more practice as required in 1c on P37.
Section A (<1a>-2d)
 1.  socks, T-shirt, shorts, sweater, trousers, shoe, skirt, dollar, big, small, short, long, woman, need, look, pair, take
2. yuan / dollar / pound
3. —How much is …?  —It's …dollars.
—How much are …?  —They're … dollars.
4.   black, white, red, green, blue, yellow, brown, purple
     big→small   long→ short
Things Color Price
    2 dollars for on pair and three dollars for two pairs
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