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所属栏目: 英语论文  更新时间:2015-01-10 点击次数:

源初 中教 师*网 w Ww.9 1

I. Contents

Unit 7 How much are these pants? Section B (1a-2c)

II. Teaching aims

1. Knowledge Objectives

Talk about the prices of things freely and fluently in oral English using the target language.

Key vocabulary: numbers 10-31.

Target language:

A: How much is/are...?

B: It is/They are... dollars.

2. Competence Objectives

Train students' listening skill.

Train students' communicative competence.

3. Culture

People have different understanding of the numbers in the world.

III. Teaching Aid

1. A tape recorder     2. The wall chart     3. 31 exercise books

IV. Teaching Procedures

Step One: Warm-up

1. Greeting and review numbers from one to ten.

Let students sing the song “Ten little Indians Boys” together.

2. Ask different students to imitate a shopping scene in a store and make conversations on shopping and ask pairs come to the front and act out. 

Step Two: Presentation

1. Present the numbers from 11 to 31 by counting the exercise books. First, teacher count alone slowly, then help the students to count them together.

2. Write down these numbers on the blackboard like the following:

3. Ask the students read these words several times following the teacher. Then read them several times all by themselves.

Step Three: 1a

1. Play the recording for the first time.

2. Play the recording again. Have students continue to point to the numbers. This time them to listen and repeat each number.

Step Four: 1b

1. Call student's attention to the numerals in the box in Activity 1a, and the number words in the box in Activity 1b.

2. Students fulfill the task individually.

3. Check the answers.

Step Five: Practice

1. Play a number game

Count the numbers from “one” to “thirty-one”. But when you count to the times of “six”, you should clap your hands instead of counting it.

e.g. one, two, three, four, five, (clap hands), seven, eight, nine, te, eleven, (clap hands), thirteen...

2. Count

How many are the boys/girls? The student in the right number should stand up while they are counting.

Step Six: Drill (2a-2b)

1. Listen and circle

Lisa is shopping with her mother in the shopping mall. Listen to their conversation. Circle the numbers you hear.

2. Listen and circle the things you hear

Listen to the conversation again. What things are Lisa and her mother talking about? Please circle them. And try to find out what things they are going to buy. Check the answers.

3. Ask and answer about the things in the picture

T: Look at the blue sweater. How much is it?

S: It's... dollars.

T: And how much are the blue shorts?

S: They are... dollars.


4. Act out the dialogue.

Suppose one of you is Lisa, and the other is Lisa's mother. Make up a conversation about their shopping. Look at the model.

Step Seven: 2c

1. Ask two students to say the conversation in the speech bubbles

2. Ask another two students to say a new conversation , substituting the blue sweater and $15 in the sample conversation.

3. As they practice, move around the classroom listening to various pairs to make sure that they use “is “and “are” correctly.

4. Invite different pairs to perform their conversations in the front of the room.

Step Eight: Pairwork

1. Make a new conversation according to Lisa and her mother’s conversation with the following things.



2. Ask some pairs come to the front and act it out.

Step Nine: Make a survey

Let students ask their partner and one of the classmates for the prices of their clothes using the target language. Then fill in the following chart. Finally, give a report for the whole class like below:































Report: Wang Juan's shoes are ¥28, her socks are¥4, and her sweater is ¥14, Her pants are ¥18... All her clothes are ¥98.

Step Ten: Task

Today is Mary's birthday. Lily, Kate, Nancy and Jim are her best friends. They want to buy her some gifts.

1. Divide the whole class into two groups. In one group the students are the shop assistants. They can sell school things, clothes, food and so on. In the other group the students are Mary’s friends. They want to buy gifts.

2. Do the shopping

3. Fill in the chart and the leader of the group report the result.



How much














In this class, we've learned the numbers 10-31 and had a brief review of how much questions.


1. Write down their dialogue when they buying the gifts for Mary.

2. Practice the numbers 10-31 accurately and fluently. Write them down in the form of number words and numerals, using the example in Activity 1b as a model.

Blackboard Design


源初 中教 师*网 w Ww.9 1
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