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  1.“Grammar——rules for forming words and combining them into





  2. 从高考改革形势来看,试题更侧重考察学生的语言交际能力和语篇阅读理


  3. 新《英语课程标准》指出“课程改革的重点是要改变英语课程过分强调语



  的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。”[2] 因此





  1. 视、听、说的语境活动


  2. 读、写、译的任务活动


  3. 多元化评价体系




  1) Play a guess game (问猜游戏中习得定语从句)


  1) A: Do you know the person who/that can cure our illness.

  B: It's the doctor.

  2) A: Do you know the place where/in which I can see the relics?

  B: It's the museum.

  3) A: What is the object which/that can make you speak to others?

  B: It's the cell phone.

  4) A: Who is the person from whom we can learn knowledge?

  B: It's a teacher.

  5) A: Do you know the festival when/in which Chinese children can receive luck money?

  B: It's the Spring Festival.

  6) A: Who is the first writer whose book won the Noble Prize for Literature in China?

  B: It's Muoyan.

  2. Play a dialogue(角色对话表演中学练代词“it” )

  教师先让学生浏览对话,让小组合作用one, it, that, this填写对话,并探究语言规则;然后让小组代表汇报答案,教师讲解指导;其次学生在纠错中归纳代词 “it”的意义用法,并用代词“it”编造、表演对话,最后给予评价。

  Student A plays the role of an eyewitness and StudentB acts as a policeman who wants to know more information about the accident.

  P: When was it that you saw the victim?

  E: It was at 22:10 or so on Sunday of Mach 10th, 2009.

  P: Where was it that you witnessed the accident?

  E: It was at the corner of the RenMin Street that I saw a car hit the lady and run away quickly.

  P: What was the weather like on the day of the accident?

  E: It was raining and the ground was slipping.

  P: What was the color of traffic lights ahead?

  E: It was almost turning the red.

  P: What was the speed of your car, when he passed by?

  E: It was at the speed of 50km/h.

  P: What was the driver like?

  E: It was dark outside, so it's hard to recognize who it was.

  P: Could you see the car number?

  E: It's not distinct.

  3. Question race(问题抢答活动中学习名词性从句)


  1) T: What's your trouble?

  S: I don't know how I can speak English fluently.

  T: I want to tell you that practice makes perfect.

  S: How about you?

  T: My trouble is that I can't sleep well at night.

  S: I think that you'd better see a doctor.

  2) Boy: What's your problem?

  Girl: It's a problem that I am too fat.

  Boy: I suggest that you should have a balanced diet.

  Girl: What's your trouble?

  Boy: My difficulty is which university should be a good choice.

  Girl: I advise that you should turn to your parents for help.

  3) Girl: What is your difficulty?

  Boy: What I find difficult is how I can quit smoking.

  Girl: I suppose that you can do some sports, when you want to smoke.

  Boy: What worries you most?

  Girl: It's a concern how I can get a job after graduation.

  Boy: What I would suggest is that you should look for it online.

  4) Boy: What's your question?

  Girl: My question is where we can find the study materials about today's lesson.

  Boy: My suggestion is that you should go to the library.

  Girl: How about you?

  Boy: It's a problem that I am addicted to computer games.

  Girl: My advice is that you should read some books.

  4. Appreciate an English Song (歌曲欣赏中学习让步状语从句)

  学生先视听欣赏歌曲,然后教师让每个小组在歌词中查找、探究状语从句;其次教师讲解让步状语从句no matter与连词的意义用法,并让学生翻译歌词大意,模仿造句;最后全班学唱歌曲并给予评价。

  No matter what 无论如何

  ---by Boyzone

  No matter what they tell us 无论他们如何告诉我们

  No matter what they do 无论他们对我们做什么

  No matter what they teach us 无论他们教给我们什么

  What we believe is true 我们坚信的才是真理

  No matter what they call us 无论他们如何称呼我们

  However they attack 无论他们如何诋毁我们

  No matter where they take us 无论他们把我们带到哪里

  We'll find our own way back 我们将找到自己回来的路

  No matter where it's barren 无论那里如何荒芜

  A dream is being born 一个梦想正在诞生

  No matter who they follow 无论他们追随着谁

  No matter where they lead 无论他们去向哪里

  No matter how they judge us 无论他们如何判决我们

  I'll be everyone you need 我将永远和你在一起


  1) Fill in a notice to parents (填写通知中学习)


  A notice to parents [5]

  Dear parents:

  We hope you will welcome this news.

  Almost 100 computers have been given to us by a local computer company since the end of last year. And a new computer room already has been set up in our school. Since then, a decision has been made by our school that we will begin a computer teaching experiment.

  So far, most of our courses have been taught by using computers. Recently, our school has been built up a computer center for our studies, and a lot of information has been downloaded from the internet up till now. Over time, my knowledge and skills have been improved a lot.

  We will appreciate your valuable advice for the development of our school computer center.

  WeiBin Middle School


  2) Appreciate and write a poem (诗歌鉴赏仿写中学习虚拟语气)


  How I wish

  How I wish that I could become a white cloud,

  drifting to the wide hill top of my home town.

  How I wish that I could become a light breeze,

  conveying the gentle greetings in my heart.

  How I wish that I could become a bouquet,

  softly sending out a sweet fragrance.

  How I wish that I could become a butterfly,

  fluttering after your footsteps.










  A Mother's Wish

  How I wish that I had been your classmate, peacefully playing with you,

  How I wish that I were your best friend, softly listening to your heart,

  How I wish that I could be a Father Christmas, silently leaving you a gift.

  A Student's Wish

  If only I had listened to the concert last night!

  If only I had less homework today!

  If only I could have a holiday tomorrow!


  If I had followed my teacher's advice before, I would have been admitted to a key university.

  If I were a teenage at school now, I would try my best to study hard.

  If I should leave school tomorrow, I would keep it up to realize my dream.

  3) Rewrite a story (改写故事中学习分词)


  My Friend's Wedding[5]

  1. I felt honored when I heard I was going to be a bridesmaid.

  2. I didn't sleep well the night before the wedding day, because I felt so excited.

  3. In the morning I got up early, though I felt tired. When I entered her room, I found the bride got dressed up beautifully.

  4. After she got ready, the bride was accompanied by the relatives and friends to the spectacular garden which acts as a wedding occasion.

  5. As I followed the bride with a bunch of flowers into the garden, I saw the church was decorated with flowers and that the delighted guests were sitting there and welcomed the new couple with big applause.

  6. Finally, although the wedding ended up quickly with a joyful and songs, it impressed and moved me.

  My Friend's Wedding

  Hearing that I was going to be my friend's bridesmaid, I felt so honored. Being excited, I didn't sleep well that night before the wedding. Feeling tired, I got up early the next morning. Entering her room, I found the bride dressed up beautifully. Having got ready, she was accompanied the relatives and friends to the spectacular garden acting as a wedding occasion. Following the bride with a bunch of flowers, I entered the garden and saw the church decorated with flowers and the delighted guests sitting there, welcoming the new couple with big applause. Finally, ending up with a joyful activity and songs, the wedding made me impressed and moved .

  3. Translate and recite the proverbs(翻译背诵中辨析定语和名词性从句)


  1. God helps those who help themselves.自助者天助

  2.All is well that ends well.结果好就一切都好

  3. That thing which is rare is dear.物以稀为贵

  4. People who know nothing fear nothing.初生牛犊不怕虎

  5. One who never made a mistake never made anything.


  6. Whoever plays with fire gets burnt. 玩火者自焚

  7. Who the gods love dies young. 好人不长寿

  8. Don't put off till tomorrow what should be done today.


  9. Children are what the mothers are. 母行子效

  10. Home is where the heart is. 心系哪里,哪里就是家


  语法教学需要通过实践来实现,其教学效果也要由实践来检验。[6] 语法教学没有绝对最优的方法,教师需要根据学生,教学、目的、内容和课时等具体情况,选择恰当的视听说、读写译等教学方法,并在教学过程中分析得失,改进创新,让学生在“乐中学,学中用”的教学活动中培养语言应用技能,提高课堂效率和教学质量。


  [1] 《高中英语语法教学方法谈》,霍艳敏,2010

  [2] 《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》,人民教育出版社,2003.

  [3] 陈钧,廖茂良。如何在语法教学中贯彻交际原则[J].新余高专学报, 2006.

  [4] 崔利霞。论高中英语课堂活动的设置[J].教育教学论坛,2011(7)。

  [5] 《普通高中课程标准英语实验教科书》,人民教育出版社,2007.

  [6] 李芳。浅谈高中英语课堂活动的设置[J].学周刊。C,2009(5)。

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