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源初 中教 师*网 w Ww.9 1

 陕西省宝鸡市渭滨中学  郭艳红


关键词:英语教育  高考英语 阅读能力 高效课堂 阅读课教学方法探究











A、只老师布置的阅读任务 B.只能完成老师布置的部分阅读任务 C、经常自觉阅读



B.大多数单词不认识,无法理解,也没耐心阅读 C.经常自觉阅读,能体验到阅读的快乐


A.词汇量小,语法知识欠缺B.理解能力有限 C.单词认识,不会翻译,不能理解作者意思


A.不掌握    B.掌握一些    C.能够灵活使用一些阅读技巧







Module 4 Unit 1  Working the land  导学案


1n. 数据;统计;统计数字;统计资料                 ____________________

2.adj.晒黑的                                     ____________________

3. vi.& n.斗争;拼搏; 努力                      ____________________

4.n.十年;十年期                                  ____________________

5.adj.特级的;超级的                                 ________________

6.adj.混合的;杂种的 n.杂交种;混血儿                ________________

7.n.产量;输出                                        ________________

8.n.(植物的)品种、种类                              ________________

9.n.庄稼;农作物;产量                               _________________

10.n.饥饿;欲望   vt.& vi. (使)饥饿                _________________

11.adj.引起烦恼的;令人不安的                        _________________

12.vt.&vi.使变大;伸展                               ________________

13.vt. & vi 循环;流传                                ________________

14.n.越南(东南亚国家)                              _________________

15. 幸亏;由于;因为                                 _________________

16. n.战役;战斗;较量;斗争  vt. & vi搏斗;奋斗     ________________

17.使……摆脱或除去                                  ________________

18. 对……感到满意                                   ________________

19.n.自由;自主                                      ________________

20. 宁愿;宁可                                       _________________

21.adv.因此;所以;因而                              __________________

22.vt. & vi配备;装备                               _________________

23.n.高粱                                            ________________

24.n.谷物;粮食;颗粒                                _________________

25.n.花生                                            ________________

26.vt. & vi输出;出口                               _______________

27.n.国籍                                            ________________

28.工作;职业;占领                                  _________________

29.性格;个性;人格                                  _________________

30.vt.使迷惑;使为难                              _________________


Step1. Lead in

Just as an old Chinese saying goes, “Food is the first necessity of man.” We rely on food, without food, without us, it can not be changed. We Chinese people usually pay special attention to food because we only account for 7 percent of the world's land, but we planted one-third of the world's rice to feed 22 percent of the world population. Therefore, working the land to provide enough food seems so important. In the coming unit, we will experience something about working the land.

Step2.Warming up and pre-reading

The countryside has played an important part both in Chinese traditional agriculture and in Chinese modern agriculture..

1) Have you ever been to the countryside? What did you see or do there?

2) Have you ever grown any plants? If so, what did you do to grow them? If not, what kind of plant would you like to try growing? How would you grow it?

3) What do you know about “farming”?

4) What is the main food in all East Asian and Southeast Asian countries? If there was no rice one day, what would happen?

*A basic food that everyone eats everyday --- staple food

England, Canada and USA --- potatoes and bread

South America and central America --- corn

China, Italy, India and Japan --- rice and pasta  (n.面食)

5) In 2010 The United Nations food and agriculture organization and the world food program issued a report and pointed out that despite the agricultural achievements were likely to reduce the number of global hunger below 1 billion, but the fact was that every 6 seconds there would be a child death due to lack of food. According to the statistics of the World Health OrganizationNow the world produces enough food for everyone, yet more than 800 million people go to bed hungry every day. That is, Food crisis and starvation still exist. How to solve the problem?

Step3. Reading

Task 1 Listening and Skimming

1. When and who did become the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output?

2. What is the special strain of rice called?

Task2. Scan the passage quickly to match the main idea of each paragraph.

Para. 1           A.Dr. Yuan’s dreams.

Para. 2           B. Dr. Yuan’s personality(性格).

Para. 3           C.Dr. Yuan’s appearance(外表)and his achievements.

Para. 4           D. Dr. Yuan’s brief life experience/biography(传记).

Task3. Detailed reading

Para.1Dr Yuan’s appearance and his achievement

Q1: What does Dr Yuan look like?

Q2: What is his achievement?

Para.2 Put Dr Yuan’s life experience in right order.

a. He was born into a poor farmer’s family.

b. He graduated from Southwest Agricultural college.

c. In 1950, Chinese farmers produced 50 million tons of rice.

d. 200 million tons of rice was produced by growing his hybrid rice.

e. He searched a way to increase rice harvests without expanding the area of fields.

f. He helps rid the world of hunger by circulating his knowledge in less developed countries.

______—→_____—→ ______—→______—→______—→______

Para.3 Which of the following description about Dr Yuan’s personality is not true?

A.He is satisfied with his life because he is now rich and famous.

B. He cares little about money and fame(名望).

C. He would rather work than lead a comfortable life.

D. He enjoys a simpler life than most rich and famous people.

Para.4 His dreams

1) The first dream____________________________________________________

2) The second dream__________________________________________________

Step 4. Summary(总结)

Personal information (Resume)

Name: _____________________       Nationality: _____________________

Age: _____________________        Occupation: _____________________

Dreams: __________________________________________________________

Achievements: _____________________________________________________

Hobbies: __________________________________________________________

Step 5.Moral Education

1) Poem

By Li Shen

Farmers weeding at noon,

Sweat down the field soon.

Who knows food on a tray,

Due to their toiling day.

2) Chinese traditional agriculture

Chinese modern agriculture

Chinese Ecological Agriculture


1.Reading comprehension

Why does Yuan Longping work the land?

A. Because he was born into a farmer’s farming.

B. Because he needs to do his research on farming.

C. Because he is interested in farming.

D. Because he has a slim and strong body.

From the text, we can know that ?

A. Yuan Longping found a way to increase rich harvests by expanding the area of field.

B. Yuan Longping is satisfied with his life because he is famous and rich.

C. in the 1950s, many parts of the countryside were short of food.

D. his way of increasing rice harvest only works in some Asian countries.

What is Yuan Longping’s attitude towards money?

A. Too much money will cause a lot of troubles.

B. Money is of no use to a scientist.

C. Money is not important at all.

D. One has to spend all his money on his own research.

The whole passage mainly talks about?

A. How to solve the world’s hunger problem. B. How to increase rice harvests.

C. Yuan Longping’s achievements in farming. D. Yuan Longping’s daily life.

2.True or false.

(    )1 Dr Yuan is more a farmer than a scientist.

(    )2 Dr Yuans kind of rice is the most suitable for Chinas farmland.

(    )3 Dr Yuan would rather work than relax.

(    )4 Dr Yuan has dreams when he is asleep and also when he is awake.

(    )5 Dr Yuan enjoys a simpler life than most rich and famous people.

3. Translation and reciting.

1 This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields.

2. Since then, finding ways to grow more rice has been his life goal.

3. Thanks to his research, the U N has more tools in the battle to rid the world of hunger.

4. Using his hybrid rice farmers are producing harvest twice as large as before.

5. Dr Yuan is quite satisfied with his life How ever He doesn’t care about being farmers.

4.Fill in the blanks.

Yuan Longping is an agricultural_____1___(先锋 )_growing rice that has a high___2______(产量). He was born in a _____3_____(农民)family in 1931. In the 1950s,_____4_________(饥饿)was a serious problem in many parts of the countryside, which made him realize the _______5____(需要)_for increasing the rice output. So after graduation from Southwest Agriculture College in 1953, he ____6_____(献身)his life to finding ways to increase rice harvest without ____7________(扩大)the area of the fields. In 1974, he invented ___8_____, which makes it possible to produce ___9____(三分之一)_more of the crop in the same fields and now farmers are producing harvest______10___(两倍)_as large as before by using his special strain.__11_______(多亏)his research ,  the UN is trying to ___12______(消除)_the world of hunger. Now, DR Yuan is ___13_______(传播)_his knowledge in India, _____14_______(越南) and other less developed countries. He is now called “Father of _____15_____(杂交的) rice” by the world.

5.Fild out your difficulties.







《考试大纲》           2001

《陕西省考试说明》     2014

《英语阅读课教学》     2012

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