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所属栏目: 英语论文  更新时间:2015-01-10 点击次数:

源初 中教 师*网 w Ww.9 1


如何提升学生英语作文的品质呢?作为从事一线教育的高中英语教师,我在高三英语专题课“Guided Writing”中,以学生的习作为例,引导学生按照教师设计的任务,修改作文,提高学生英语写作“谋篇布局”能力:


ILead-in: Daily Talk

Many schools apply their students with non-academic courses. What do you think about it? And give your opinions.

II. Task one—“How to make a good paragraph?”

1. Show two paragraphs of the topics given by the students on the screen

q       Are they suitable for a passage? Why or why not?

q       Try to provide the topic sentence of each passage

III. Task two-- “How to make a good composition?”

1.        Work in groups. After reading the passage below, answer the following questions. Try to improve it by rearranging or rewriting the sentences.

q       What is the thesis statement of the passage?(文章的主题句是什么)

q       Could you provide the topic sentences in Paragraph 2 and 3?(能否给23两段加上主题句)

q       What is the conclusion of the passage?(文章的结论是什么)

2.        Conclusion- how to arrange a passage

IV. Task three—“How to make a composition even better?”

Show the composition revised just now. If necessary, add some conjunctions to make it better.(请在必要的地方加上连词).

V. Assignment

Revise your own writing after class, trying to use the techniques you have learned in class.


一.  引入部分:

Daily Talk是高中英语课中最常见的一种引入方式。我以学生的作文题Many schools apply their students with non-academic courses. What do you think about it? And give your opinions. (现在很多学校开设了自主性课程,对此,你有什么看法,请谈谈你的观点)为题,布置学生口头练习,将比较精彩的学生发言记录下来,呈现在多媒体屏幕上,为下一个环节“怎样构成文章的段落”做好准备。

二.  课堂任务一:从口头表达引到书面表达,确立主题句,明确段落主旨



q       Non-academic courses enable the students to apply what they have learnt in academic courses to practice. (与整个段落内容无关,可以删去,或作为另一个段落的主题句)In non-academic courses, students are usually required to complete a project in groups during a long period of time. That can develop students’ ability to co-operate with others. (“自主性课程可以培养学生与人交往的能力”可以作为本段的主题句,放在句首)So they have to collect information by cooperating with other group members, which improves their ability to communicate with others.


三.   课堂任务二连段成文:合理谋篇布局,阐明文章主题

掌握了英语写作中最基本的段落写作方法,再来讨论篇章的写作就比较容易了。因为我们知道篇章是由一个一个段落组成的。但很多同学往往会简单地认为段落的堆砌即为文章。为了帮学生走出这个误区,我在“Guided Writing” 中设计了如下环节,意在让学生顺着教师的提示,了解段落在文章中所起的不同作用,从而合理布局,能够清晰明了地阐述文章主题。


1.      What is the thesis statement of the passage?(文章的主题句是什么)

2.      Could you provide the topic sentences in Paragraph 2 and 3?(能否给2,3两段加上主题句)

3.        What is the conclusion of the passage?(文章的结论是什么)







Non-academic courses are perhaps the most popular lessons with the students. Some students regard them as “playing time”, while most students find them useful in many ways. 1These non-academic courses actually benefit students a lot.



1 These non-academic courses actually benefit students a lot. 2Non-academic courses can develop students’ ability to co-operate with others. 3They enable the students to apply what they have learnt in academic courses to practice. 4They provide us with professional knowledge to develop our personal career.

主题句:2Non-academic courses enable the students to apply what they have learnt in academic courses to practice.



4They provide us with professional knowledge to develop our personal career. 因为篇幅关系,学生对此主题不再展开,将其作为无关部分删除。


For example, limited time makes it impossible to “do it by yourself”. In non-academic courses, the students can do it. It will be an unforgettable experience to make small firecrackers in the “applied chemistry” course, won’t it?

主题句:3Non-academic courses can develop students’ ability to co-operate with others.



So, non-academic courses are important to the students.


结论:So, non-academic courses are important to the students. Take them seriously, and you’ll find them more than playing. 加上:“认真对待自主性课程,它们不仅仅是好玩”, 首尾呼应,再次强化了主题。


四.  课堂任务三巧用连词:优化句型表达,过渡上下文



Non-academic courses are perhaps the most popular lessons with the students. Some students regard them as “playing time” (take them just for fun,) while most students find them useful in many ways. These non-academic courses actually benefit students a lot.

First, non-academic courses enable the students to apply what they have learnt in academic courses to practice. Limited time makes it impossible to “do it by yourself”. In non-academic courses, however, the students can do it. Take “applied chemistry” for example, it will be an unforgettable experience to make small firecrackers in the “applied chemistry” course(class), won’t it?

Second, non-academic courses can develop students’ ability to co-operate with others. In non-academic courses, students are usually required to complete a project in groups during a certain long period of time. So they have to collect information by cooperating with other group members, which improves (thus improving) their ability to communicate with others.

So, non-academic courses are important to the students. Take them seriously, and you’ll find them more then playing. (and you’ll find them more than just for fun).

过渡词: while, first, second, however, then, thus, so

词汇亮点 take …for fun; apply…to; take …for example; limited time; a certain; just for fun

句型变化:It will be an unforgettable experience to make small firecrackers in the “applied chemistry” course, won’t it? 反义疑问句

So they have to collect information by cooperating with other group members, which improves (thus improving) their ability to communicate with others. 定语从句,分词





《英语五段作文法》                   蔡基刚            复旦大学出版社


Debra J. Pickering   Jane E. Pollock 著 中国轻工业出版社

《高中英语写作套路与演练》           吕晓红             上海交通大学出版社

《高中英语写作技巧》                 吴彩霞 张群英      上海教育出版社

源初 中教 师*网 w Ww.9 1
上一篇:浅谈英语课堂的口语教学    下一篇:《空中英语教室》在高三英语教学中的应用实践与探索