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源初 中教 师*网 w Ww.9 1

摘 要:阅读理解是四级考试的重要组成部分,针对独立学院学生英语基础较差的现状,在对他们进行阅读教学时可以应用一些语篇知识。训练其阅读技巧。本文主要从逻辑连接和语境这两个语篇因素来说明这一问题,希望能给阅读教学带来一些启示。
  语篇中的连接概念专指相邻句子(群)之间的连接关系。通过连接性词语的运用,人们可以了解句子之间的语义联系,甚至可以经前句从逻辑上预测后续句的语义。连接关系是通过连接词、一些具有连接意义的副词或词组实现的。Halliday和Hasan把连接分为四种类型:增补型(additive)、转折型(ad-versative)、原因型(causal)和时间型(temporal)。增补连接指语言使用者在说完第一句话后,意犹未尽,又补充了一些新的情况。这类词项包括and、further-more、in addition、plus等。表示转折连接关系的词项有but、yet、on the other hand、however等。表示因果关系的词项包括because、so、for this reason、con-sequently等。时间型连接表示篇章事件发生的时间关系,这类词项有formerly、first、second、then、next、inthe end等。
  连接手段本身并不创造篇章的句子或命题关系,但它能使这些关系显性化。因此,在平时的阅读教学中,要注意培养学生对这些连接词的敏锐度。在阅读过程中,鼓励学生先找到这些连接词。然后根据其语义范畴确定句与句、段与段之间的关系,从而迅速的找出所需要的信息。例如,<新视野大学英语读写教程>第三册第二单元的课文Iron and the Effects of Exercise的第四段:
  Iron deficiency is very common among women in general, affecting one in four female teenagers and one in five women aged 18 to 45, respectively. But the ratio is even greater among active women, affect-ing up to 80 percent of female endurance athletes. This means, Lyle says, that "too many women ignore the amount of iron they take in".Women of child-bearing age are at greatest risk, since their monthly bleeding is a major source of iron loss.Plus,many heath-conscious women increase their risk by reject- ing red meat, which contains the most easily absorbedform of iron.And because women often restrict their diet in an effort to control weight,they may not con-sume enough iron-rich food, and are liable to experi-ence a deficiency.
  同一册书的第六单元课文How to Prepare for Earthquakes也有这样一段:
  People would also like to be able to prevent the great destruction of property caused by earthquakes.After all,most of the people who die in earthquakes are killed by falling buildings. Therefore, building structures that can withstand the power of earthquakes is a major concern.Steel seems to be the best materi-al, but not if it is welded to form a rigid structure.Many new structures are built with a new type of steel joint,an I-joint,which appears to be the most durable type of joint.These joints of steel can move without breaking. Also, to prevent property damage,architects now design buildings so that the building's so that the building's columns and horizontal beams are of equal strength,and vertical support columns are inserted deep into solid soil.In addition,many new houses have relatively light roofs and strong walls.Concrete pillars for highway bridges that previously only had steel rods inside are now enclosed in steel.
  此段的第一句话是全段的主题句。其后的部分为围绕这一主题句展开的三个细节。这三个细节正是由also和in addition这两个连接词衔接起来的。因而看到这两个连接词,整个段落的结构便已十分清晰。
  Social support cushions stress in a number ofways. First, …Second,…Third, we typically find so-cial companionship supportive.Engaging in leisure-time activities with others helps us to meet our socialneeds while at the same time distracting us from ourworries and troubles.
  Q:secial companionship is beneficial in that
  [A]it helps strengthen our ties with relatives
  [B]it enables us to eliminate our faults and mis-takes
  [C]it makes our leisure-time activities more en-joyable
  [D]it draws our attention away from our worriesand troubles
  此题的题于“Social companionship is beneficial”与这一段的第一句话同时也是这段的主题句“Social support cushions stress in a number of ways”相对应。题目问的是能体现主题句的细节,因此很明显。答案应在First,Second,Third之后的内容中去找。不难看出,文中“distracting us from our worries and troubles”与选项[D]中的“draws our attention away from our worries and troubles”直接对应,因此正确答案是[D]。


  A team of researchers has found that immunizing patients with bee venom instead of with the bees'crushed bodies can better prevent serious and some-times fatal sting reactions in the more than one mil-lion Americans who are hypersensitive to the stings.The crushed-body treatment had been standard for fifty years,but a report released recently said that itwas ineffective.The serum made from the crushedbodies of bees produced more adverse reactions thanthe injections of the venom did.
  The research compared results of the crushed-body treatment with results of immunotherapy thatused insects' venom and also with results of a place-bo. After six to ten weeks of immunization, allergic re-actions to stings occurred in seven of twelve patients treated with the placebo, seven of twelve treated with crushed-body extract, and one of the eighteen treated with the venom.
  这个篇章中出现了venom、serum、imnlunothera-py、adverse reaction、placebe、allergic reaction等较为生僻的词语。如果教师平时教学不注意语境的作用,学生可能会因滞留于字面意义而为这几个词所困扰,结果要花费很多时间揣摩词义,影响理解速度,在限定时间内答不出题目。反之如果学生平时接受过这方面的训练。习惯于在阅读时利用共有知识积极构造语境统一体。理解就不会被这几个生词阻滞。尽管这篇文章中有一些生词,在读过一遍以后,还是能作出这样的定位:
  通过这个定位,我们对文章进行整体预测(global prediction):该篇章是医生或科学家向我们书面报告蜂蛰反应的预防。其中的生词一定是医学术语。然后进行局部预测(local prediction):
  1.研究者发现a(immunizing patients with ven-om)代替b(immmunizing with bees'crushed bodies)更能预防蜂蛰反应。


源初 中教 师*网 w Ww.9 1
上一篇:法律英语文本语境下语义的法律转向    下一篇:对独立院校英语分级教学的几点思考